नमस्कार हमारे प्रिय-छात्र छात्राएं, आपका www.taiyarihelp.com पर फिर से स्वागत है| आज का हमारा विषय है English Grammar Present Tense, Past Tense & Future Tense Rues.
इस Article में हम आपको बताएगे, English Grammar से सम्बंधित Present Tense, Past Tense & Future Tense Rues के बारे में. जिसे आप सभी प्रतियोगी छात्र-छात्राएं आसानी से English Grammar Present Tense, Past Tense & Future Tense Rues. को तैयार कर पाएगे.
हम आप सभी को बता दे की, आज के समय में अंग्रेजी एक बहुत ही Important Subject बन गया है, आजकल जिसको भी देखो वह सभी अंग्रेजी में बात करना पसंद करते हैं, फिर चाहे आप इंटरव्यू (Interview) के लिए ही क्यों ना जाओ, आपसे अंग्रेजी में ही सवाल पूछेंगे और आपको उसका उत्तर अंग्रेजी में ही देना होगा|
तो चलिए देखेते है, Present Tense Kya Hai? And Past Tense Kya Hai? And Future Tense Kya Hai? Present Tense kitne Prakar के होते है, Past Tense kitne Prakar के होते है, Future Tense kitne Prakar के होते है? Present Tense Rule & Example And Past Tense Rule & Example And Future Tense Rule & Example कैसे होते है, आप सभी इच्छुक विद्यार्थी जिसे इंग्लिश ग्रामर याद अच्छे से नहीं होता हो, तो हमारे आज के आर्टिकल को अंत तक जरूर पढ़ें जिससे आपको पता चलेगा Present Tense & Past Tense Rues के बारे में…..
English Grammar Present Tense Rules
सबसे पहले हम आपको बता दे की Present Tense 4 Prakar के होते है, जो कुछ इस प्रकार के है….
- Present Indefinite Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Present Prefect Tense
- Present Prefect Continuous Tense
Present Indefinite Tense : Present tense is used to state an action which occurs on regular basis in present. This action include habitual or repeated action, schedule action occurring on regular basis and Facts that stand true all the time.
Example of Present Indefinite Tense :
- I go to school.
- I go to Home.
Present Continuous Tense : The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. …
Example of Present Continuous Tense :
- She is crying.
- He is talking to his friend.
Present Prefect Tense : Present perfect tense combines the present tense and the perfect aspect used to express an event that happened in the past that has present consequences. This tense is used to show a link between the present and past and is commonly used in everyday conversations, in the news, on the radio, and when writing letters.
Example of Perfect Tense :
- I have lost my purse.
- We have seen this movie already.
Present Prefect Continuous Tense : The present perfect continuous is used to describe an action, event, or condition that has begin in the past and continuous into the present.
Example of Prefect Continuous Tense :
I/You have been playing.
He/She has been playing.
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English Grammar Past Tense Rules
सबसे पहले हम आपको बता दे की Past Tense 4 Prakar के होते है, जो कुछ इस प्रकार के है….
- Past Indefinite Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Indefinite Tense : The simple past is used to describe an action, an event, or condition that occurred in the past.
Example are :-
I played
He/ She played
Past Continuous Tense : The past continuous tense is used to describe action on going in the past.
For example :-
I was playing
He/She was Playing
Past Perfect Tense : The past perfect tense is used to refer to accept that took place and where completed in the past.
For Example :-
I had played
He/She had Played
Past Perfect Continuous Tense : The past perfect continuous is used to indicate that a continuing action in the past begin before another past action begin or interrupted the first action.
For Example :-
I had been playing
He/She had been playing
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English Grammar Future Tense Rules
सबसे पहले हम आपको बता दे की Future Tense 4 Prakar के होते है, जो कुछ इस प्रकार के है….
- Future indefinite tense
- Future continuous tense
- Future perfect tense
- Future perfect continuous tense
Future indefinite tense : The simple future is used to refer to action that will take place after the act of speaking or writing.
For Example :-
I shall Play
He/She will Play.
Future continuous tense : The Future continuous tense is used to describe action on going in the future. The future progressive is used to refer to continue action that will occur in the future.
For Example :-
I shall be Playing
He/She will be Playing
Future perfect tense : The future perfect is used to refer to an action that will be completed sometime in the future before another action take place.
For Example :-
I shall have played
He/She will have Played
Future perfect continuous tense : The future perfect continuous tense is used to indicate a continuing action that will be completed at some specified time in the future
For Example :-
I shall have been playing
He/She will have been playing
Note : अगर आपको “English Grammar Present Tense, Past Tense & Future Tense Rues” का यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया हो तो इस जानकारी को आप सोशल मीडिया जैसे की फेसबुक, ट्विटर, गूगल+ और व्हाट्सएप्प पर शेयर जरुर करें.
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