UPSSSC PET GK Expected Question in Hindi

UPSSSC PET GK Expected Question in Hindi, Expected Gk Question for UPSSSC PET 2022 Exam in Hindi : If you are going to appear in UPSSSC PET exam then we will help you to score good marks in PET entrance exam. UPSSSC PET has been a very popular exam because without this exam you cannot get any Group B and Group C government jobs. Aspirants have to first clear the UPSSSC PET Exam to get these jobs to be eligible to apply for UP lekhpal and other secretariat jobs.

General knowledge questions are the most asked in UPSSSC PET exam. So to help the students, we have shared UPSSSC PET Expected GK Questions on this page which you must read before the exam. These Gk Questions will help you to score good marks in the exam.

इसे पढ़िए :-

General Knowledge Questions that can be asked in UPSSSC PET PET Exam- UPSSSC PET GK Expected Question

UPSSSC PET GK Expected Question in Hindi

Questions: Under the provision of the Charter Act of 1833, who became the first Governor General of India?

  1. Lord Dalhousie
  2. captain bust
  3. Thomas Roe
  4. Lord William Bentinck
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Lord William Bentinck

Questions: Nanda Devi is in which state?

  1. Uttarakhand
  2. Haryana
  3. Punjab
  4. Himachal Pradesh
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Uttarakhand

Questions: On the bank of which river was Harappa situated?

  1. month
  2. Enjoy it
  3. Indus
  4. ravi
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Ravi

Questions: In which year did the Kalinga war take place?

  1. 261 BC
  2. 263 BC
  3. 232 BC
  4. 240 BC
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: 261 BC

Question: Which country is the largest producer of crude steel in the world?

  1. Japan
  2. China
  3. America
  4. none of these
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: China

Questions: Who among the following has the right to call the Parliament?

  1. speaker.
  2. Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
  3. Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
  4. President
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: President

Questions: What is meant by mixed economy?

  1. coexistence of small and big industries
  2. Coexistence of Agriculture and Industry
  3. coexistence of public and private sector
  4. घरेलू और विदेशी उद्यमों का सह-अस्तित्व
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर : 

Questions:  बाबर ने भारत में मुगल शासन की स्थापना किस वर्ष की थी?

  1. 1527
  2. 1529
  3. 1528
  4. 1526
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर: 1526
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Questions:  चीन अपनी सीमा किसके साथ साझा नहीं करता है

  1. रूस
  2. अफ़ग़ानिस्तान
  3. मंगोलिया
  4. बुल्गारिया
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर: बुल्गारिया

Questions:  भारत और श्रीलंका को _____ अलग करता है।

  1. मैकमोहन रेखा
  2. कच्छ की खाड़ी
  3. पाक जलडमरूमध्य
  4. खम्भात की खाड़ी
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर: खम्भात की खाड़ी

इसे पढ़े अवश्य :-

Questions:  मिराज एक उदाहरण है

  1. प्रकाश का परावर्तन
  2. प्रकाश का अपवर्तन
  3. प्रकाश का पूर्ण आंतरिक परावर्तन
  4. प्रकाश का प्रकीर्णन
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर: प्रकाश का पूर्ण आंतरिक परावर्तन

Questions: आधुनिक आवर्त सारणी के किस समूह में हैलोजन रखे गए हैं?

  1. 16 वीं
  2. 18 वीं
  3. 1 एसटी
  4. 17 वीं
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर: 17वां
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Questions:  खट्टे दूध में कौन सा अम्ल पाया जाता है?

  1. साइट्रिक एसिड
  2. सिरका अम्ल
  3. ग्लाइकोलिक एसिड
  4. दुग्धाम्ल
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर: लैक्टिक एसिड

Questions:  निम्न में से कौन रक्त के थक्के जमने में मदद करता है?

  1. विटामिन ए
  2. विटामिन डी
  3. विटामिन K
  4. फोलिक एसिड
उत्तर देखिए :-
उत्तर: विटामिन K

Questions: Influenza disease is caused by which of the following?

  1. bacteria
  2. virus
  3. fungus
  4. protozoa
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Protozoa

Questions: Which of the following is an example of a vector quantity?

  1. speed
  2. distance
  3. entropy
  4. energy
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Velocity

Questions: The force opposing the motion of an object is called _________.

  1. magnetic force
  2. muscular force
  3. gravitational force
  4. Frictional force
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Frictional force

Questions: Choose the non-metal which is liquid at room temperature.

  1. phosphorus
  2. bromine
  3. Iodine
  4. Carbon
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Bromine

Questions: Which of the following plants is the source of turpentine oil?

  1. moss plant
  2. fern plant
  3. sunflower plant
  4. Pinus Plant
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Pinus Plant

Questions: Immunization technology was developed by?

  1. Louis Pasteur
  2. Joseph Lister
  3. Robert Kochu
  4. edward jenner
उत्तर देखिए :-
Answer: Edward Jenner
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नोट : UPSSSC PET GK Expected Question in Hindi 2022 यह सभी प्रश्न बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है आपके परीक्षा के लिए एक बार पेपर देने से यह सभी Question एक बार अवश्य पढ़ लीजिए |

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